Black Dog Ride's Jon Benham
Wins Pride of Australia Award
Jon Benham, our Territory Coordinator, has been honoured for his work with Black Dog Ride by winning the NT Pride of Australia Medal for his selfless, tireless actions which enriched the lives of his community members.
In 2016, Jon's hard work and dedication increased participation in Black Dog Ride's Darwin 1 Dayer by over 60%, giving Darwin arguably the highest per capita participation rate in Australia, a poignant figure given the NT has double the suicide rate of the rest of the nation. Each Black Dog Rider becomes a voice for mental health awareness, amplifying our national message of suicide prevention.
Coordinating Black Dog Ride's NT Ride mid year, Jon organised engagement of schools, not for profits and government workers to highlight grassroots suicide prevention strategies in regional communities.
Throughout the year, Jon has embraced every opportunity to utilise his role with Black Dog Ride to engage NT locals with awareness of mental health.
Black Dog Ride is proud and grateful that Jon's work with Black Dog Ride and his dedication to suicide prevention has been honoured at a national level.
Congratulations Jon!
Registrations for Black Dog Ride's annual iconic 1 Dayer have been launched, and we'd love for you to join us on this epic nationwide effort to kickstart conversations about suicide prevention. More info here.